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Following the independence of Armenia in 1991, a number of Armenian Masons of the Grand lodge of the District of Columbia founded Hayastan Lodge No. 94 the first Armenian speaking lodge in the United States of America (Chartered on December 10, 1994).

The objective of this lodge was to organize and revitalize Armenian Freemasonry so that, one day, members of the lodge could carry the light of Freemasonry to Armenia.

This inspiration became a reality when, on December 16, 1999, Massis Lodge No. 99 was chartered, under the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, as a “Sojourning” Lodge with the express purpose of establishing the Grand Lodge of Armenia, with the participation of the Grande Lodge National Francaise (GLNF) and the Grand Lodge of Russia.

In May 2001, a World Conference of the Armenian Brethren was convened in Washington DC. This conference gathered Armenian Masons from France, U.K., Russia, Argentina, Lebanon and the USA. After extensive discussions with the governmental authorities in Armenia, the necessary legal documents were approved and obtained; The Grand Lodge of Armenia was formally registered in Armenia.

On July 30, 2002, in the capital city of Yerevan, Armenia, the Grand Lodge of Armenia was consecrated by the Grand Masters of Grande Lodge National Francaise, Grand Lodge F.A.A.M. of the District of Columbia and Grand Lodge of Russia.

Hayastan Lodge No. 94, a proud member of the Masonic family in Washington DC continues to be the bridge between the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, Armenian Brothers in the United States and the Grand Lodge of Armenia.

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